Full Moon in Pisces – Be Grounded and Believe in Magic to Fulfill Your Dreams + Mercury Retrograde
September 3, 2022
The last week was intense, especially around Wednesday and Thursday, when the moon was in Scorpio. Did you feel it? I felt everything at the same time. Joy and grief; heaviness and lightness; pessimism and optimism; fear and power; pain and gratitude. All these feelings were pulsating through me, all at once! It felt like being fully alive, and exhausting. This is the Scorpio energy at its best!
Life is intense. Every day of our lives, we deal with our own emotions, we work on our relationships, we work for our career, we work to maintain our bodies, our houses, our gardens.
Women were not allowed to exercise till the 1920s. In the sixties, women were told that physical exercise would make them barren. Women used to do the hard work of the house, the fields, of the laundry rooms. They were physically strong, but the work they did broke their bodies, not strengthened them.
We are so lucky to live in this age where we are allowed to practice yoga and other physical activities, that we can expand ourselves.
To be able to feel all the feelings and have the capacity to hold them, we need a strong container, a healthy container, and this is what Virgo knows best.
The week starts with moon in Capricorn. On Tuesday, Sep 6, the moon enters Aquarius and stays there for three days until it enters Pisces on Friday. On Saturday, Sep 10, there is a full moon in Pisces.
Virgo and Pisces are opposing signs. Both are here to be in service for others. They want to help in any way they can, to anyone they can. They are also very spiritual. Virgo as the ancient healer and Pisces as the Spiritual soul. They are both very creative. Pisces is the poet; Virgo is the writer. They are both gentle and kind in nature, especially towards people who do not know them well.
But like all opposing signs, in some respects Virgo and Pisces represent the two ends of a spectrum.
Yes, they are both spiritual, but Virgo’s spirituality is very earthy and grounded, while Pisces’ spirituality is esoteric and amorphic.
Pisces are so connected to being a soul, that they sometimes forget to care about their physical existence in a body.
Pisces wants to escape the material world and get back to the realm of the souls, while Virgo wants to fix the world so that the human experience will be more bearable.
Virgo is great in making plans, but sometimes, her realistic perception does not allow her to feel the magic, to see the big picture, and to truly trust that things will work out for her.
Pisces, on the other hand, tends to space out, knowing that her life is only a fraction of her time on earth. She believes in magic so much that she does not make detailed plans, and therefore has a hard time manifesting her brilliant ideas. Her lack of organization and structure can sometimes lead her to anxiety.
Pisces need Virgo energy to be more grounded. Virgo needs Pisces energy to get out of her constant feeling that she does not do enough or does not do well enough.
Pisces sees the world with compassion. Virgo sees the world from the critical perspective. Both are needed! Without the critical view, we won’t see what needs to be changes. Without faith that change can happen, there is no motivation to act.
I have a very strong Pisces in my chart. When I was a yoga teacher, I was all into yogic texts and philosophies. I could recite mantras and sutras if you woke me in the middle of the night, but I had absolutely no idea how much money I had or did not have.
My sink was constantly full of dirty dishes, and I ate mostly junk. This is when Maty Ezraty, my Virgo friend and teacher, came to stay at my apartment. “Your garbage is dirty. Your laundry machine needs a serious cleaning. Why is there cat food spreading around your cat’s bowl?”
She forced me to be mindful about the little details. Like how I place my yoga mat on the floor. What I eat. How do I prepare for my future. I needed this badly.
Only years later I could look in retrospect at my yoga teaching period, and see how it was not balanced until Maty’s visit. The lack of balance brought anxiousness. Only once I learned to be grounded, I could live a life of wellbeing.
The big lesson for this full moon is to find the Virgo-Pisces balance. Ask yourself:
- Do I bring my ideas into fruition? If not, what is missing – is it a lack of groundedness and proper planning, or is it a lack of inner faith and belief that I can do it?
- Is my spirituality grounded? Am I spacing out as a soul and neglecting my body, or am I so practical that I can’t believe in magic?
Tell me where you find yourself on these spectrums, and how you intend to bring more balance to your life.
Mercury starts retrograding this coming Friday, Sep 9. We are already in the pre shadow phase of the retrograde, and I already faced so many technical problems just with publishing this weekly update! I will elaborate on the retrograde in the next blog.
This week of strong earth and air represents our world today. We are so focused on intellectual success (air) and material success (earth), that we forget about the importance of physical exercise (fire) and emotional connectedness (water). Remember that we need all of these, to make our dreams come true.
Have a wonderful week,
With love,
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