Zodiac Signs Relationships
What Are Zodiac Signs Relationships?
When reading a birth chart it is important to understand the relationships between the various internal forces at work. To do so, you must know which zodiac signs work well together, and which are in a potential conflict.
For example, if you have Scorpio sun, Taurus moon and Pisces rising, your Scorpio sun works well with your Pisces ascendant as they are both water signs. Your Taurus moon works well with your Pisces ascendant, since Taurus and Pisces sextile each other. This indicates that the soul (ascendant) is supported by both your personality (sun) and your emotional world (moon), so it is easy for you to attain your soul’s purpose. However, your Scorpio sun and Taurus moon oppose each other. This might indicate an inner conflict between your wants (sun) and your needs (moon). In this case, you want a transformative life (Scorpio Sun) while you need a stable life (Taurus Moon). Understanding this inner conflict can be a huge relief. Being aware of these two inner opposing forces, can help you make better decisions. Such a conflict can be balanced and reconciled.
How Do Aspects Come Into The Picture?
Zodiac Signs relationships between the inner forces of your chart are valid even when the relevant cosmic bodies do not form an aspect. However, these relationships can be strengthened or weakened by aspects. In continuation of the previous example, if there is an opposition between the sun in Scorpio and the moon in Taurus, the conflict will be stronger than if there is no actual opposition. If there is a square between the moon in Taurus and the ascendant in Pisces, which can happen if the ascendant is in the first 5o of Pisces and the moon is in the last 5o of Taurus, it weakens the harmonious connection between the moon and the ascendant.
Harmonious Zodiac Signs:
- Zodiac signs of the same element
- Zodiac signs of complementary elements (fire and air, earth and water), excluding zodiac signs of the same modality.
- In some cases, zodiac signs that share a common ruling planet
Harmonious Relationships List
- Aries is in harmony with fire signs Leo and Sagittarius, and with the air signs Gemini and Aquarius.
- Taurus is in harmony with earth signs Virgo and Capricorn, and with water signs Cancer and Pisces.
- Gemini is in harmony with air signs Libra and Aquarius and with fire signs Aries and Leo.
- Cancer is in harmony with water signs Scorpio and Pisces, and with earth signs Taurus and Virgo.
- Leo is in harmony with fire signs Aries and Sagittarius, and with air signs Gemini and Libra.
- Virgo is in harmony with earth signs Taurus and Capricorn, and with water signs Cancer and Scorpio.
- Libra is in harmony with air signs Gemini and Aquarius, and with fire signs Leo and Sagittarius.
- Scorpio is in harmony with water signs Cancer and Pisces, and with earth signs Virgo and Capricorn.
- Sagittarius is in harmony with fire signs Aries and Leo, and with air signs Libra and Aquarius.
- Capricorn is in harmony with earth signs Virgo and Capricorn, and with water signs Scorpio and Pisces.
- Aquarius is in harmony with air signs Gemini and Libra, and with fire signs Aries and Sagittarius.
- Pisces is in harmony with water signs Cancer and Scorpio and with earth signs Taurus and Capricorn.
Zodiac Signs With Common Rulers
- Aries and Scorpio: until Pluto was discovered, Mars ruled these two zodiac signs. Although they are fire and water signs, they work well together.
- Sagittarius and Pisces: until Neptune was discovered, Jupiter ruled these two zodiac signs. Even though they are fire and water signs, they have a common ground that helps them harmonize better than other fire and water signs. However, it should be noted that Sagittarius and Pisces are both mutable signs, and like all signs belonging to the same modality, they are in conflict.
- Capricorn and Aquarius: Until Uranus was discovered, Saturn ruled these two zodiac signs. In this case earth and air can learn to cooperate well, despite their differences.
Conflicting Zodiac Signs
- Zodiac signs of the same modality form oppositions or squares.
- Signs that oppose each other indicate a need for a dialogue between these two forces. It is possible to bring balance and harmony to this conflict through awareness and observation.
- When signs square each other, the conflict between them is more significant than in the case of opposition. In such cases, understanding the conflict helps you gain control and choose the force upon which you would like to act at any given situation.