Cosmic Bodies & Other Birth Chart Symbols
The main players of a birth chart are the Sun, the Moon, the seven planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and last but not least, Pluto, which is not considered a planet. I call them Cosmic Bodies.
One of the most fundamental stages of reading a birth chart, is the interpretation of the cosmic bodies’ positions in the signs and houses of the chart.
Each cosmic body represent an aspect of your personality. In order to learn about yourself through you chart, you need to understand the personality aspect related to each of the cosmic bodies. For example, Mercury’s position in your chart will indicate the way you think, while the Moon’s position in the chart will indicate how you process emotions. Â
There are other symbols in the chart such as north node and south node. These are not actual cosmic bodies but rather calculations of the points where the moon’s path crosses the ecliptic. These points are very significant to understanding your personality and your direction towards evolution.
In this section you will find essential information on each cosmic body and other main symbols in the birth chart.Â
Cosmic Bodies Info Explanations
Primary Ruler: Each cosmic body rules one or two signs. It is the primary ruler of these signs.
Traditional Ruler: Before Pluto, Uranus and Neptune were discovered, other planets ruled the signs of Scorpio, Aquarius, and Pisces. These other planets are called the traditional rulers of these signs.
Stays in a sign: Each planet circles the sun at a different pace. The closer the planet is to the sun, the faster it moves around it, the shorter the time it stays in a sign, the more personal it is in your chart reading.
Personality Aspect:Â here you’ll find the most important information on the personality aspects related to each of the cosmic bodies. Â