Welcome to my astrology website for self research and self empowerment. My name is Yael and I am a Debra Silverman Certified Astrologer.

My personal encounter with astrology transformed my life. It guided me towards wellbeing and fulfillment. Through astrology, I’ve learned to love my own personal complexity. I gained practical tools that enable me to grow through life’s challenges.

Every day I witness the magic of astrology in the lives of my clients. I’ve built this website to share this magic with you.

This site contains a wealth of astrological information that will help you navigate your path towards an authentic, well balanced, and meaningful life.

I wish you a fruitful and enjoyable journey.

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I'd love to get to know you, but first, let me tell you my story

Hi, my name is Yael Terramel Weisbach and I am a Debra Silverman Certified Astrologer, but this wasn’t always the case. Even though I have been fascinated by astrology since childhood, my life’s hardships drove me to seek financial security through accounting and economics studies. For twelve years I led a successful financial career, but my spirit was not content. I continuously searched for answers in Buddhism, occultism, meditation and yoga. Keep reading

My Unique Approach to Astrology

“Through understanding the whole thing, we begin to trust our world, to realize that there is no such thing as a cosmic conspiracy. The world is a kind world, a rational world, there is no joke involved.” ~ Chogyam Trugpa. It was 2009. I was traveling in Kasar Devi, India, when I first read these lines and it hit me that till then I had held a strong inner belief that the world was not on my side. It took me years to learn to trust my world and I still need a constant reminder. As an astrologer, I believe that the planets support us. Keep reading

Self Research Lab Astrology

We are all complex creatures. Both Buddhism and astrology claim that there is no one unchangeable independent entity which can be identified as “I”. We are a composition of heart, mind, soul, physical body, ego and more. We are never codependent and are constantly changing. When you understand this, you also understand that to live your highest purpose, to fulfill the reason for your being here, you must open your own self research lab. Keep reading

Blog Posts

Do You Truly Love Yourself?

As the Sun enters Pisces, the sign of self-love, it’s time to make changes that can help you fall in love with yourself. Here is how. I was immersed in my long self-care night routine. After brushing, flossing, showering, and applying mists, serums, balms, and lotions, I was finally ready

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Shine Your Light with Confidence

It’s challenging to shine your light if you were not the center of the universe in your childhood. The Full Moon in Leo could help! “5 AM is not a time to wake up,” I mumbled under my sleep mask that covers most of my face. My son is usually

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Three Tips for Creating Your Best Future

On the verge of a new era, it’s time to take control of your future. Here’s how.  Aquarius is the sign of the future. Unsurprisingly, since the Sun entered Aquarius, we all started wondering about our collective and personal future.  So much is changing right now. Even if you are

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This section contains a wealth of organized, clear and concise information on how to read birth charts in an empowering, insightful way. This includes basic understanding on what is a birth chart and what you can learn from it, as well as details on element, modalities, zodiac signs and more.
The most magical gift of astrology is a one-on-one birth chart reading. Here we dive deep into your personality and life story. We guide you towards accessing your life's treasures. We empower you and give you practical tools to fulfill your dreams and become the best version of you.
I have always loved teaching. I taught finance at a renowned university. Later I taught yoga and meditation. Today I teach astrology. In my workshops you learn how to read birth charts in an empowering, insightful way that will greately benefit you and anyone who's chart you read.