Sun in Aquarius, Full Moon in Leo – Do I Assume the Right Role in my Community? 

January 20, 2024

Today, Saturday, January 20, both the sun and Pluto are leaving Capricorn and moving into Aquarius. We are moving from the ambition to serve humanity through work and career to a broader array of ambitions. How do we serve humanity as humans, not just through our career, but through what we stand for, who our friends are, which communities we belong to, what we research, how we see the world, and what our life aspirations are.

Pluto’s transition into Aquarius started last year. I will talk more about this important transition in the next blog post because this week we have a very important event in our spotlight, and it is the full moon in Leo.

Every Friday I take a yoga class with my teacher, Gota Cebrero. The class is full but not too crowded. We chant, we practice pranayama and then we start moving together. Gota encourages us to adjust the practice to our needs, but to keep the rhythm of the class so that we maintain a feeling of unity.

Practicing yoga asana together in a group setting with a leading teacher is a recent invention. And yet, I find that there is something very meaningful and important in coming together to move, breathe and chant with other humans. Especially these days, when many of us work from home and do not have a lot of in-person social interaction with others.

Aquarius is the sign of communities. We might dismiss the importance of communities, but especially now, when Pluto is going to spend the next 19 years in Aquarius, communities will become more significant in our lives. Community is meant to give us a feeling of connection, togetherness, belonging, safety and support. It is a place where we are accepted for who we are and where we can influence and make a difference.

Every community needs a leader, and this is where Leo comes into the picture. Leo loves and needs to be a part of a community as much as Aquarius does. Who would Leo invite to her parties if she didn’t have a community? But Leo needs to be the leader of a community and not just a member.

There are some aspects of my life in which I prefer to be a part of the community and let someone else lead the way. For example, I enjoy being a yoga student rather than being the teacher. I am so happy to be a contributing member of my astrology community, where Debra Silverman is the leader. But when it comes to my local community activism, I discovered that it is important for me to assume a leadership role.

There are gifts and challenges in both being a part of a community led by someone else, and in taking a leadership role in a community. To meet the challenges, we must be truthful and honest. You can’t really belong in a group or lead a group if you are not truthful to yourself and to the other members. This is why honesty is a strong trait of both Leo and Aquarius.

Last week, for example, I had to deal with some power struggles with someone who did not like it that I was becoming a leader in our group. I had to be honest about my limits. I could not play the game and pretend that the power struggles did not bother me when they completely put me off. I could not stop caring even though I knew this person was acting out of his insecurities, and I had compassion for him. He was upsetting me and hurting me and that was my truth. As soon as I was honest about it with the other members, and established clear boundaries to what kind of behavior I was not willing to allow, everything started moving and evolving in the right direction.

If we are honest and still don’t feel supported by our community, it might be that the community is no longer a good match for us, even if it is just temporary.

Suggestions for journaling and contemplation for this full moon in Leo:

  1. Which communities do you belong to? If you do not see yourself as a part of a community, which communities do you want to belong to? Write a plan for how to make it happen.
  2. Do you feel a strong sense of belonging, support, and comfort in your communities? Do you feel you are loved and accepted just the way you are? If not, what needs to change for that to happen? Can you act to bring this change?
  3. Do you assume any leadership roles in your communities? Do you feel good about being the leader or not being the leader? Is there any need to shift your role and position in your community? How can you do that?

Wishing you a wonderful week and a happy full moon,

With love,


Don’t miss out on this amazing free astrological immersion with the one and only Debra Silverman and some amazing guests! Monday, January 22nd -Friday, January 26th with our closing call on Monday, January 29th. This is an opportunity to see Debra reading charts, learn about the magic of astrology, and get teachings from inspirational leaders. Every session Debra picks up volunteers and reads their charts live, so this could be you! You can also win a trip to Hawaii! 

Reserve Your Magical Spot Here

More Astrological Information This Week

Event of the week: Full Moon in Leo.

Aspects: Jupiter square sun, Pluto conjunct sun.

Dominant Element: Earth

Missing Element: Fire


    • Sunday, January 21, sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, moon in Gemini, Mercury and Mars in Capricorn, Venus in Sagittarius.
    • Monday, January 22, moon enters Cancer.
    • Tuesday, January 23, Venus enters Capricorn.
    • Thursday, January 25, moon enters Leo and full moon in Leo.
    • Saturday, January 27, moon enters Virgo.

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