I am 49 and I LOVE it
June 17, 2022
Today is my 49th birthday.
The last year was the best year of my life so far.
It was hard, it is still hard. There were challenges, there are still challenges.
But I have already learned that this is how best years go.
It is best only when there is growth, and growth comes out of coping with hardship.
This was the year of reigniting my fire.
The fire of passion, of creation, of truth, of youth.
My friends all talk about the difficulty of accepting our age and how to reduce the signs of aging.
My mother passed away when she was 44.
Since I got older than her, I live as if I died and was reborn.
There is no point in pretending or hiding.
I’m here to live my truth, to live who I really am, to manifest what I really, really want.
It’s rejuvenating, so rejuvenating.
The truth is I have never felt so young.
Despite the wrinkles and the fact that my body is no longer at its prime.
That’s really not the point.
I’m excited to age. I want to grow old.
My mother did not get the chance.
I have so many dreams to fulfill.
I am grateful for the time given to me to fulfill them.
I want more. Every year I want more.
Remove more layers, dive into more truths, and share them with the world.
The human experience is not easy. Sometimes it is unbearably painful.
I breathe into the pain and remember that I can contain it all. I can contain my pain. I can contain your pain.
I am here to heal; I am here to help you go through your pain to find love, find passion find your path.
This is my destiny, and it beats my heart.
I am grateful for everything I have, for everything I do not have, for the privilege to live.
This is the mantra I say first thing every morning when I wake up.
Especially today, I am grateful for all the wonderful gifts I have been given, and for all the challenges that stand in my way, waking me up and guiding my way.
I wish you all what I wish myself for this coming year.
With love
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