Happy New Year & Mercury Goes Direct – Planetary New Year’s Affirmations

December 30, 2023

Happy new year!

It is not a coincidence that the new year starts during Capricorn season. While Capricorn is not necessarily optimistic, she is a woman of action. She is here to do everything she can to bring positive change to this world and to humanity. She does not take things personally; she does not let her pain paralyze her. Her pain moves her forward. Every day she asks herself, what can I do to make things better? And she does just that.

In this spirit, I thought what I could do to make the world better right now. I decided to share these planetary blessings with you, hoping that they will lift your spirit and give you a boost to start the new year with enthusiasm and excitement, so that you can make this year the best one yet.

The blessings are written as affirmations that you can say out loud, chant as mantras, put on your fridge and share with others. They are based on my book, Planetary Balance for a Wholesome Life, which presents a new breakthrough way to look at astrology. I suggest choosing a few affirmations that speak to you the most and prioritizing them. What is most important for you this year?

Sun’s blessings

  • I am not afraid to shine.
  • I own my desires and rejoice in them, because I know my desires are rooted in my soul and I was meant to fulfill them.
  • I am energetic, vital, confident, and strong.
  • I know to take a good care of myself, and to put healthy boundaries in my relationships.

Moon’s blessings

  • I embrace all my emotions and feel safe, protected, and at home in the world.
  • My family and home give me joy, strength, and support.
  • I celebrate my emotional wellbeing.
  • I trust my intuition and let it guide my way.

Mercury’s blessings

  • I recognize my baseless thoughts and self-criticism as such. I have the wisdom to cultivate thoughts that serve my wellbeing.
  • I have great social connections that support me on my path.
  • I enjoy spending time with family and friends.
  • I feel understood.

Venus’ Blessings

  • I have a wonderful romantic, loving, and supportive relationship.
  • I express my true self and feel that I am loved exactly as I am.
  • I attract abundance and popularity into my life.
  • I find time to rest and indulge in sensual pleasure.

Mars’ blessings

  • I am enthusiastic and empowered to get what I want in life.
  • I move my body and my energy and lead a healthy physical life.
  • I am an initiator and a leader in my field.
  • I lead a healthy sexual life.

Jupiter’s blessings

  • My beliefs support my growth and my wellbeing.
  • I am blessed with good luck.
  • I live out of joy and have fun.
  • I expand my consciousness and share my knowledge with others.

Saturn’s blessings

  • I am physically healthy, sturdy, and strong. I am like fine wine; I get better as I age.
  • I am successful in my career, and I am happy with how much money I make.
  • I manage my finances responsibly and efficiently so that I get the most out of my resources.
  • I have discipline to achieve my goals.

Uranus blessings

  • I am excited to wake up and start my day, every day.
  • I make the world a better place with my unique contribution.
  • I have a wonderful community where I feel belonging and support.
  • I feel blessed to be my weird self.

Neptune’s blessings

  • I lead a creative life which makes me feel fulfillment and joy.
  • I am compassionate towards self and others.
  • I am guided by my soul and find soul connections with others.
  • I am filled with gratitude for the blessings in my life.

Pluto’s blessings

  • I heal my childhood wounds and psychological trauma.
  • I am guided by the mystery and magic of life.
  • I turn my fears into power through action.
  • I enjoy deep intimacy in my relationships.

Please tell me which blessings you liked the most and what is your focus for the coming year.

May 2024 will be the best year you’ve ever had.

With love,


This holiday season, get yourself and the people you love an astrology reading for a gift! Use code 30OFF to get $30 off First Readings and Follow-Up Readings. Expires January 2nd, 2024.  

Book your discounted reading here.

Working with hundreds of people from all over the world, I’ve learned that regardless of the positions of the planets in our charts, there are some themes that repeat for all of us. In the book I am currently writing, Planetary Balance for a Wholesome Life, I’ve structured a new breakthrough astrological model that helps us bring each planet’s energy to a healthy balance. This balance allows us to express the unique sound we came to make in this world. We can then thrive while fulfilling our purpose and can attract the right people and the right circumstances into our lives. 

I invite you to learn more about it on my session, Empowering Astrology: Use the Wisdom of the Planets to Fulfill Your Purpose and Your Dreams, Monday, January 1, 5:40 EST

Join the FB Group: Feminine Frequency: Global Sisterhood of Light-Leaders & Healers to make sure you can attend on time. 

More Astrological Information This Week

Event of the week: Happy New Year, Mercury goes direct.

Aspects of the week: Jupiter trine sun, Uranus trine sun.


  • Sunday, December 31, 2023, sun in Capricorn. Moon in Virgo. Mercury retrogrades, Venus and Mars in Sagittarius.
  • Monday, January 1, 2024, Mercury goes direct.
  • Tuesday, January 2, 2024, moon enters Libra.
  • Thursday, January 4, 2024, Mars enters Capricorn.
  • Friday, January 5, 2024, moon enters Scorpio.

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