Astrology Empowers Our Snowflaky Uniqueness
January 8, 2022
This week we had snow. We were afraid it would not happen this winter, because December was so warm, but then, one dark night, the temperatures dropped, and on Monday morning, we woke up to a world covered in white, and floating snowflakes dancing in the air.
When I look at snow I immediately think ‘Snow brings peace. If it had snowed in the Middle East, there would have been no wars.’ There is something so soothing about this white.
Snow connects us to the magic of the world. When the world is covered in a shimmering white down, I can believe in elves, fairies, Dakinis, Santa Claus riding a sleigh, almost anything.
And why is snow so magical? Because every snowflake is one, unique and special. Its shape is one of a kind. Just like us. If only we could see the beauty of our uniqueness and look at ourselves in amazement as we would look at snowflakes under the microscope. You would never say ‘this is an ugly snowflake’, or ‘this is not a successful snowflake’. No. All snowflakes are beautiful and successful. Just like us.
I am so happy that my job is to show the wonderful people who come to me the beauty and magic of their own uniqueness, to allow them to look at themselves from a nonjudgmental point of view. I feel so full and fulfilled. Thank you.
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