Mercury Retrograde – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly + Practical Advice

September 10, 2022

On Friday, Sep 9, Mercury went retrograde, and I had a very special day.

It started with sitting for meditation with my neighbor, a student of Thich Nhat Hanh, for the first time.

I walked one minute back home feeling like I was floating on air. Not just because of the powerful meditation, not just because I was grateful for finding the perfect sangha, but because I totally fell in love with my neighbor.

Falling in love is such an elevating feeling.

As soon as I got home, my neighbor, who was now my friend, invited me to a full moon cacao ceremony. I immediately changed my plans for the evening to be there.

In the cacao ceremony I sat in a circle with a group of women, surrounded by the ancient Appalachian Mountains.

We were guided by the medicinal and spiritual qualities of cacao. We moved. We wrote. We shared. We burnt. We connected with our souls (Pisces) through the wisdom of the earthy, medicinal woman (Virgo).

Mercury Retrograde

This day was a magnificent opening for this Mercury Retrograde, the hottest subject in astrology.

Why? Because even the most skeptical people in the universe know about Mercury Retrograde. The effects are so evident. It’s hard to dismiss it or refer to it as a mere coincidence.

The Good

Mercury retrograde is not bad. No planetary influence is bad.

No influence is against us. It might be challenging, but this is how we learn and grow.

It is bad though, that we don’t live according to the planetary influences.

We don’t live by the natural cycles of the moon, and by our own monthly cycles.

It is said that in tribal times, women used to get their monthly periods together on the new moon. During these days, women sat together and rested. The elder women told stories that taught the younger women about life.

Today, women are expected to act as if business as usual during their menstruations. We have learned to hide our cycles and ignore them.

I assume that in tribal times, when Mercury went retrograde, people went inwards. Maybe it was agreed that they would only speak to each other if it was necessary. They might have engaged in meditative practices. They might have harvested their crops, singing quietly in their fields.

If we could live this way, Mercury retrogrades might have been a wonderful experience. Women’s menstruations might have been something we would long for. But in our world, we are in a constant hurry.

This week I am starting to teach as a mentor at Debra Silverman’s astrology school. When introducing myself to my class, I was asked what qualities I wanted to embody when I grow up. After some contemplation I answered:

Rest. Relaxation. Down Time.

I rarely allow myself time to space out or do nothing. The moon in Pisces is asking for that. Mercury Retrograde is asking for that. If we could only move from left brain thinking to right brain thinking for just a little while, we could have gained so much out of it.  

Mercury retrograde is great for insight, meditation, and creativity.  

The Bad

Mercury rules thinking, communication and local traveling.

During retrogrades our mind is not sharp. Our communication skills are not brilliant.

We tend to forget things, lose things, and be absent-minded. 

There are also external circumstances. Communication devices, softwares and apps act weird. Flights get delayed or canceled more frequently.

This week, Mercury retrogrades in Libra. It might have a strong effect on our romantic relationships, our business partnerships, and our friendships. We might feel less understood, or we won’t be able to understand our loved ones.  

Since we do not live in ancient times, life has to go on. We have to go on.

My advice is to:

  • Slow down.
  • Pay more attention to paying attention.
  • Be more deliberate in your actions.
  • Try to avoid signing contracts, but if you must, read the contract seven times before you sign it. Ask other professionals to read it too.
  • Try to avoid big purchases, but if you can’t, read the small print several times.
  • Communicate less.
  • Journal more.

The Ugly

It annoys me when people say that Mercury retrograde can be a wonderful time. Because too often, it sucks.

When people tell us it should be wonderful and it sucks, we think that there is something wrong with us. That we are not evolved enough to enjoy it.

If you suffer during this Mercury Retrograde and count the days till it’s over, there is nothing wrong with you!

There is something wrong with the world that forces us to keep on going, like nothing’s happening.

Sometimes retrogrades are not that bad. Sometimes there are better parts of the retrograde and worse parts of it.

Try to do your best to apply the suggestions I gave here.

Let me know how it works for you and how you experience this retrograde.

Have a wonderful week.

With love,



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