Win Your Dark Cave Battle

October 19, 2024

For two and a half years, I struggled with addiction to cannabis. It’s not that I smoked all day; I did not even smoke every day. But I smoked almost every night after completing my endless daily tasks. The nights I didn’t smoke required a lot of self-discipline. It was not a coincidence that my addiction struggle overlapped the two and a half years of my Scorpio progressed moon cycle*.

We all go through dark times when we are forced to meet our shadows. How can we use Scorpio’s wisdom to win our dark cave battle?

The Battle

As soon as I graduated from my Scorpio “training” and emerged into Sagittarius, the struggle ended, and the addiction was gone. It happened so abruptly that it felt like I never really had a problem. The pain was still there. The circumstances hadn’t changed. If they had, things only got worse. But I have changed.  

I went into my dark cave and faced my shadows. I met the concentration camps and my deep fear of finding myself in one of them. I met my obsession with feeling rejected and my fear of intimacy. I met my addiction to cannabis, chocolate, supplements, and comfort food. I met my resentment of my lineage and my victimization of being born into it. I met my fear of being powerful and the fear that people wouldn’t like me.

Scorpio is the sign of addiction because it brings to the surface everything you try to bury deep down and never face, every open wound and harmful psychological pattern. It also makes you more sensitive to everything you go through, which makes things even harder. If you have even the slightest addictive tendency, there is a good chance you will relapse during times when Scorpio energy is emphasized. At least, that’s what happened to me. I felt that I needed to numb the pain; everything going on in the world was just too much.  


You don’t have to be Jewish to feel unsafe when Scorpio comes to town. Its energy shakes us to the core and forces us to let go of all the misconceptions, coziness, comfort, and illusions that made us fall asleep. It is here to wake us up and force us to change.

Scorpio training does not make us less afraid, and it does not make things hurt less. Rather, it teaches us to face our fears and withstand our pain. When we numb ourselves with cannabis, wine, television, or any other means, we are weakening ourselves. We signal to the world that we can’t deal with our reality.

Some realities are too much. But if you are reading this post right now, there is a high chance that your reality is bearable. Maybe you, too, do not realize how strong you really are. Perhaps you don’t acknowledge your power in dealing with your situation, meeting your shadows, and overcoming them.

Luke Skywalker defeated Darth Vader in the dark side cave, only to find out it was his own shadows that he had defeated. This is an archetypical story we all have to go through when Scorpio knocks on our door.

Scorpio increases our capacity. We learn that we are strong enough to touch the pain. We walk step by step toward what hurts and are more courageous in confronting our shadows and hardships.

The Reward

The prize for winning the dark cave battle is joy. It’s the ability to live with a genuine sense of well-being and bliss, no matter the circumstances. It’s the courage to be yourself and not be afraid about whether people like you. It is the strength to meet any challenge without needing to escape.

In my Krav Maga school, we say, “Winners never quit, quitters never win, and I choose to win.”  Scorpio teaches us never to quit our journey to embody our power and strength so that we can be who we were meant to be, fulfill ourselves, and share our gifts with the world.

This Week’s Suggestions

As the Sun transitions into Scorpio this week, ask yourself what your shadows are. What takes your power away from you or even reduces it – what are your open, unhealed wounds, active fears, obsessions, addictions, and resentments that stand between you and your power? You don’t need to solve them or heal them right now. Knowing your enemy is the first stage of every buttle. You are now ready to enter your dark cave, face your own Darth Vader, and reclaim your power.

Have a wonderful week,

With love,


* The progressed moon stays in a sign somewhere between two to two and a half years. The progressed moon sign gives a flavor or an emphasis to our lives. It is a calculated astrological parameter and not a celestial body.

More Astrological Information This Week

Event of the week: Sun enters Scorpio.

Dominant element: Water.

Important Aspects: Sun square Mars and Pluto.


  • Sunday, October 20: Sun in Libra. Moon in Gemini. Mercury in Scorpio. Venus in Sagittarius. Mars in Cancer.
  • Monday, October 21: Moon enters Cancer.
  • Tuesday, October 22: Sun enters Scorpio.
  • Thursday, October 24: Moon enters Leo.
  • Saturday, October 26: Moon enters Virgo.

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