Three Tips for Creating Your Best Future
February 1, 2025
On the verge of a new era, it’s time to take control of your future. Here’s how.
Aquarius is the sign of the future. Unsurprisingly, since the Sun entered Aquarius, we all started wondering about our collective and personal future.
So much is changing right now. Even if you are not an avid news consumer, you cannot avoid the talks about AI and the speculations on how it will influence our human experience for better or worse.
This is a significant moment in human history. Humanity is rebirthing itself, and we are all initiated into a new era. But what will this era look like? Will it bring health, peace, love, harmony, and sanity, or the opposite?
On its high road, Aquarius introduces us to new technologies, concepts, and ideas to bring advancement, progress, and equality to all humans on Earth. On the low road, it can be chaotic, erratic, and emotionally detached.
I can’t tell you what the collective future will look like. I am not a fortune-teller. I can’t tell you what your personal future entails, and I believe no one can. This is because you shape your future from moment to moment with your thoughts and actions. I can tell you how to create your best future. This is my specialty.
Tip #1: You must believe that you can create your future.
It won’t work if you feel limited or stuck or think it’s all in the hands of external forces or other people. I am not saying there are no limitations. There are! Saturn, the planet of limitations, is one of the planets ruling Aquarius. We are asked to create our best future within the existing limitations.
For example, my client Michelle was waiting for her husband to retire so she could spend her life in pleasant leisure with the man she loved. However, her husband did not want to retire yet because he loved his work. Through our work together, Michelle restored her faith that she could create the life she wanted regardless of her husband’s decision.
She needed to understand what she wanted for herself, aside from spending time with him—what would make her happy and fulfilled. Once she starts living for herself and finding happiness and joy, her husband will likely be more tempted to retire and join her. But she will still lead a great life even if he does not.
I want you to say it out loud: “I create my own future.” Do you believe yourself when you say it? If not, note that you don’t. Incorporate it in your morning prayer, or say it every day before you get out of bed. Even if you don’t believe it, say it. Saying it repeatedly will eventually shift your beliefs.
Tip # 2: Direct your energy from information consumption to creating your future
We can’t control everything in our lives, but we can control where we direct our energy – this has a massive influence on our future. The main problem most of us face today, which strongly relates to this Aquarius age, is that we experience an epidemic of information consumption and screen time overdose.
I can share research about how damaging the overconsumption of social media content is, but there is no need to. I am sure you already know that. We are addicted to podcasts and phones. I am included. Even if we consume information of the highest quality and value, we can overdo it. If all our energy goes into information consumption, there is not enough energy to create our own future.
You do not need to know everything! There is such a thing as too much information, and we are all in it. If the information you consume causes you anxiety and depression – it’s not constructive. If it presents problems that you can do nothing about – it provokes anxiety and depression. Even if the information is beneficial and of the highest value for you, if you don’t make time to actually apply it to your life, it is a waste of your time.
Limit your information consumption. Set clear guidelines with smartphone screen time limits. Make sure you have at least an hour free of screens, podcasts, and other external information every day—a time you dedicate to creating your future.
Tip # 3: Don’t wait until you are fully healed or in love with yourself
Healing and self-love are lifelong journeys. Each day, I bring more health and self-love into my life. I have come a long way and still have much to go. If I wait until I get someplace to allow myself to create my future, I will end up wasting my life. The more fulfilled and accomplished I am, the more effortless healing and self-love become. Create your future, and your healing and self-love will be boosted.
I hope these three tips help you create the future you want. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
Have a wonderful week,
Much love,
The Applied Astrology School Semester Starts February 10, 2025.
This is the Aquarius age, and everybody wants to speak the Aquarius language – astrology! Registration for our school is at all times high! And there is a good reason for that!
Our school program is unique since it makes astrology accessible, simple, and applicable. You won’t only learn to speak it, you will learn how to create your best future with it.
Don’t miss out on your chance to sign up. Registration closes Monday at 11:59 pm PT, February 3rd (unless we are sold out before that).
Here is the link that will change your life! Don’t miss your chance.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions.
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