The Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself

December 20, 2024

Learn to identify and remove the limitations that hold you back from living your dream.

Jane told me she needed to figure herself out before she started dating. A few weeks after our session, she emailed me that she had a promising date and was over the moon.

Lindsey told me she wanted a relationship but was waiting to build her career first. Andrea shared that she was waiting to develop a relationship before seeking a fulfilling career. Marie was waiting to heal her wounds before she had kids, and Nikole was waiting for her kids to empty the nest before she fulfilled any of her dreams.

Are you, too, waiting for something to happen before you start walking towards the fulfillment of your dreams? This holiday season, you can give yourself the greatest gift of all – the removal of the limitations that you put on yourself and hold you back from living your dream life.

When I was going through fertility and during the first years of my son’s life, I put my search for a fulfilling career on hold. But these were the only years I paused my journey toward career fulfillment.

Focusing on one aspect of your life is valuable. Now that my marriage is stable and my seven-year-old is more independent, I can bring more focus to my career.

With that being said, conditioning our dreams usually does not support us. This is especially true when we wait for achievements that are impossible to measure or even achieve. There is no point in life when we figure ourselves out or are fully healed. Inner work is a lifelong processthere is always room for growth.

Even with a career, it’s hard to say precisely when you are established. Relationships and family are a little easier to mark as an achievement, even though they require constant devotion. But should you put other dreams aside until you reach that benchmark?

When you linearly condition your dreams, you prevent the magic of life from unfolding.What if your dream job will give you the confidence you need to meet and match the right person? What if your relationship will support you in obtaining fulfillment?

I would probably never have become a successful astrologer without my husband. When our son was 18 months old, he encouraged me to follow my dreams and study astrology. He also paid for my astrology school and supported us financially so that I could slowly build my business. To this day, every dollar I make stays in my business so that I can reinvest it and grow. I could have never done that on my own. 

Similarly, my connections and network helped my husband find the job he loves. My devotion to our son allowed him to focus on building his career, developing himself, and reaching a place of stability.

Some people reach success before they enter a relationship, and for some, it would be the other way around. If you want both, stay devoted to both. Don’t condition them because when you do, you limit life from giving you its gifts. 

Often, waiting for something else first is rooted in fear. We fear failing to find love, reach fulfillment, or get pregnant, so we prefer to wait for something else to happen first. We believe that once we reach a milestone, we will have the courage to face our fears and go out there to get what we want. But the longer we wait, the more scared we become. 

This is the beginning of Capricorn season. Capricorn connects us with our ambitions. Capricorn wants success in relationships, family, career, health, and every other aspect of life. 

But Capricorn is also ruled by Saturn, the planet of limitation. The wisdom of Capricorn is to thrive within the concrete limitations presented to us by life while releasing ourselves from self-inflicted limitations. 

During this week of holidays and Capricorn season, contemplate or journal on how you condition your dreams and ambitions. What do you want to happen before you go out there and fulfill your dreams? In what way do you limit yourself from achieving your dream life? 

Then, remove these conditions and limitations. You do not know what life has in store for you and in which order you will manifest your dreams. Allow yourself to be open to all the possibilities waiting for you. 

The greatest gift you can give yourself this holiday is the removal of these unnecessary blockages and obstacles from your path. Do that, and start witnessing the magic. Don’t forget to share it with us. 

Happy, joyful holidays filled with love and light,



Limited spots!!!

This year, a few of you will get to dive deep and do the work needed to start living your dream life. 

My Dive Deep Package includes: 

💫 An extensive astrology reading or a relationship reading will give you the insight you need to live the life of your dreams (full value $250)

💫 A 4E transformational session will identify what’s holding you back and help you let it go (full value $300)

💫 Two 30-minute consultations to deepen the work and get a birthday chart reading (full value $300)


Schedule a 10-minute free session to discuss whether this is the right option for you.

Or book your deep dive package using the HAPPY2025 discount code here:

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