I Love Your Deep Seated Sadness
January 18, 2025
How should we deal with the undercurrent unease we all experience, whether it’s deep sadness, confusion, anxiousness, or restlessness?
I’ve always felt it, my deep-seated sadness. For years, I blamed it on not having a partner, but when the most magnificent love entered my life, I found my sadness was still there. “It must be my fertility struggle,” I thought. “Once my child is born, I won’t be sad anymore.” But even my magical, beautiful, loving child did not take my sadness away.
I have manifested a life that is beyond my dreams on so many levels, yet my deep-seated sadness is always here with me, to some extent.
I am not talking about the sadness that makes you stay in bed and influences your productivity and ability to be present and loving in your relationships. This is depression that should be treated.
I am talking about feeling genuinely great but noticing the deep-seated sadness underneath it.
There is always something to be blamed for: the war, the hurricane, the fires, not having a mother for more than 30 years, the friendships I lost, the book that has not been completed, hormonal imbalance, and astrological influences are some examples.
I used to think that something was wrong with me, that I was the only one experiencing sadness while everyone else was enjoying a deep sense of joy. Since becoming an astrologer, I have learned that this isn’t true. Most people I have met suffer from some level of unease, which manifests as deep-seated sadness, restlessness, confusion, anxiousness, and other symptoms.
We each deal with our unease in a different way. Aries exercises, Taurus eats, Gemini meets a friend, Cancer cries, Leo tells a joke, Virgo organizes, Libra creates art, Scorpio has sex, Sagittarius goes to a plant medicine ceremony, Capricorn works, and Pisces meditates. As for Aquarius, they are so unique, individualistic, and unexpected that you can’t fit them in a box, even if it’s an astrology box.
But what if our unease is here to stay no matter what we do?
When my son was born, I went through the most challenging time of my life. I was unable to deliver naturally in a birthing center and was rushed to the hospital. I delivered our child after horrific 24 hours of vomiting and excruciating pain. Then, my son had severe jaundice, and we were hospitalized for a week, separated.
It took about a month for things to settle down, but my mindset was still stuck on the trauma, and I was unable to experience the joy of motherhood and the miracle of my son. When I caught myself, I started telling my son every morning, “Today, we are going to have fun, fun, fun.” Soon enough, we started having fun and enjoying our lives together, but the sadness was still there.
There is a level of emotional sadness that we can not explain, and there is no need to. We can talk about it, analyze it, medicate it, or try to fix it any other way, but this might only make it worse. There is only one thing to do with this type of sadness or unease: love it.
Yes! You read it right.
Last week, with the Full Moon in Cancer and the Sun approaching Pluto astrologically, I was happy, motivated, and proactive. Everything was moving in the right direction, and I felt more confident that I was on the right track. Yet, I was experiencing a massive wave of sadness.
I noticed my tendency to try to explain it so that I could fix it and get rid of it once and for all. But deep down, I knew there was no point in doing that. I also noticed how much I resented myself for feeling sad. I knew that this was something I could change.
Like an Aquarius would, I saw myself from the outside. I realized how adorable I was with my deep-seated sadness. All I wanted was to hug myself and tell myself that I was allowed to be sad. There was no need for resolutions, medications, or explanations.
And guess what? As soon as I allowed myself to stay with it and truly love my sadness, it stopped being a problem. It is still here, but it does not harm me anymore. It inspires me and enhances my emotional capacity and humanity.
This week, the Sun enters Aquarius and conjuncts Pluto, the planet of intensity that brings all our psychological unease to the surface. Watch your unease, sadness, anxiousness, confusion, or anything you don’t like about your life experience. Can you hug yourself and genuinely love your unease without judging it? Without trying to fix it or heal it? Allow yourself to be with it and love yourself for it. I promise you, magic will follow.
Please share with me how it worked for you,
Have a wonderful week,
With love,
Start the New Year Right With The Wisdom of The Stars
I want to introduce you to your new fairy godmother, Debra Silverman. Most of us had that wish, that longing, as a child for a fairy godmother like we saw in our favorite movies or read in fantastical stories.
Debra and I met for an in-person reading in June 2013, and ever since then, my life hasn’t been the same.
Debra has this incredible nurturing ability, an endless well of wisdom, and a wicked sense of humor. All the makings of the fairy godmother we hoped for!
Her mission is crystal clear- she’s here to help us all rewrite our inner dialogues and put our pesky inner voices in their seats so that we can align with our true and higher self.
And just like the fairy godmothers we’ve read about, Debra comes bearing gifts! She’s hosting another incredible virtual experience, the Astrological Immersion, filled to the brim with guidance, meditations, pop-up events, celebrity wisdom keepers, and even the opportunity to win some extra special prizes (like a dreamy trip to Hawaii)!
What’s the cost? NOTHING! It’s a gift, and your introduction (or re-introduction) to your fairy godmother.
Won’t you join us? Click to register here and you’ll get access to all of these gifts, faster than you can say, “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!”
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