Find Your Love with Devotion

October 12, 2024

A romantic relationship does not guarantee happiness. It is not the only path or even the ultimate path of life. But to live happily on your own, you need it to be your choice. It is natural for those of us who suffered many disappointments to give up on love. While finding happiness in your current situation is essential, giving up on something you want is the worst thing you can do. The coming full moon in Aries reminds us why it is so and what we can do to get the loving relationship we desire.


I started longing for romantic love when I was six and never stopped. Even though my twenties and thirties marked two decades of failing relationships, heartbreaks, and loneliness, I never lost hope. I prayed for love every morning when I got up and every night before I went to sleep.

When I turned forty, I started asking the universe for guidance. I did it through a woo-woo practice I applied at the end of my daily morning meditation. I visualized an energetic antenna extending from my crown chakra to infinity upwards and asked, “What do I need to do to find my love?” The idea was that the antenna would pick up the information, and the universe would find a way to reply, not necessarily during the meditation.

One morning, I suddenly realized I already knew the answer. I was meant to leave Israel and move to the US to find my love. It was the craziest idea one could have at forty with no US citizenship, a job, or a family in the US. My life in Tel Aviv was established. I had a successful yoga teaching career, the best-rented apartment in town, and many friends. Yet, in my heart, I knew this was what I needed to do.

It was not just an inner knowing. There were many facts to support that idea. For example, I had a short romantic encounter every time I traveled to the US. It indicated that in the US, I got back this spark of life that attracted people to me. On top of that, there was a Vedic astrologer, an energetic healer, and a tarot reader who all told me my love was abroad. I would not have cared about what they said individually, but when I connected the dots, it felt like the universe was trying to tell me something.

I was devoted to finding love, so I decided to make this bold move. I broke all my savings to the protests of my accountant. I announced the news to my family, who thought I had a screw loose. I had a huge farewell party with all my friends. A few days later, on October 31, 2013, I arrived in San Francisco. Four days later, I met my love.

We are approaching the full moon in Aries, the sign of desire. Aries wants something, and it does not rest until it gets it. Libra is the sign of relationships. The full moon in Aries asks us to connect with our desires related to Libra themes.

So often, I hear single people who want love saying, “Maybe this is not my story, maybe it’s not my path, maybe I was not meant to live in a relationship.” Often, these are the people who want relationships the most.

When we deny our desires and think that the world is against us, preventing us from getting what we want most, we stray away from authenticity. We start faking our desires. We say things like, “I don’t care if I find love,” when this isn’t true. Not everyone wants a relationship, but if love is what you need in the depths of your being, lying about it won’t do any good.

The best thing you can do is remain devoted to your inner desire. It might take you longer than you want to fulfill your wishes, but if you deny your desires and become inauthentic to yourself, there is a higher likelihood you will never get what you want. Your lack of authenticity will have a greater impact than you can imagine, not only on your love life but on other aspects, too. Life can feel frustrating when you do not embody yourself authentically and don’t make the unique sound you came to make in this world.  

This week, ask yourself where you are with your desire for a romantic relationship. Are you completely honest with yourself and the world about it? Create your vision for your loving relationship and stay devoted to manifesting this vision. Even when you get tired, even when you lose hope, even when your heart gets broken, or your relationship seems stuck, be determined never to give up. I promise you that if you do that, you will get what you want sooner or later.

Wishing you a wonderful week,

With love,


More Astrological Information This Week

Event of the week: Aries Full Moon.

Major aspects: Mars square Sun. Jupiter trine Sun. Pluto square Sun.

Important retrogrades: Pre-shadow of Mars retrograde.

Dominant Element: Water.


  • Sunday, October 13: Sun in Libra. Moon enters Pisces. Mercury enters Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio. Mars in Cancer. Six planets in water!!!
  • Tuesday, October 15: Moon enters Aries.
  • Thursday, October 17: Aries Full Moon. Moon enters Taurus. Venus enters Sagittarius.
  • Saturday, October 19: Moon enters Gemini.

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