Are You Ready for the Big Shift?

December 28, 2024

2025 brings an extremely rare astrological shift. This is how to prepare for the upcoming changes. 

I’ve become more organized in recent years, but I got obsessed with organizing in the past months. “What has happened to me?” I asked a friend. “Why am I turning into a Virgo?” She told me something that I had already considered. When you have no control over what’s going on in your life, you tend to reinforce control in areas where you have it. I can’t control Helene’s devastation and antisemitism, but I can control my drawers and my diet. 

My friend was right, but there was something more to it. I could not put my finger on it until last week when I realized that I was not organizing my life because of the chaos of the past. I am organizing it in preparation for the changes that are about to come. 

Yes! 2025 will bring a massive shift. It is extremely rare that Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn all shift signs within the same year.

This year, these three planets all venture on a new journey. Neptune and Saturn both shift from peaceful, soulful, creative Pisces to initiating, energetic, spontaneous Aries. Uranus moves from stable, calm, gentle Taurus to jumpy, curious, playful Gemini. 

These changes come on top of Pluto entering Aquarius, which started in 2023. But 2025 will be the first year when Pluto stays solely in Aquarius without retrograding into Capricorn.

I am excited about these changes, but I’m also terrified. Some level of fear always accompanies real excitement. The world is going to change, and we don’t know how. Will these changes bring the peace, love, and harmony the world needs, or will they create more havoc? 

One thing is sure – we are transitioning from an area of passivity and spiritual delusion (low road of Neptune in Pisces). From a world that tries to make the future look like the past (low road of Uranus in Taurus). We enter an area of change and action (Gemini & Aries). We will be encouraged and motivated to move and act to make the world the way we want it to be. We are starting a new cycle, a new version of humanity. 

Uranus will feel much more at ease in Gemini than in Taurus, igniting brilliance in our minds. It’s a whole different story for Neptune and Saturn in Aries. Neptune is undoubtedly out of its comfort zone in Aries, and Saturn is at its weakest spot. Is it necessarily bad? No! It is not! 

Every shift, every change, and every position of the planets has a wide range of potential. It is up to us to make the best out of it. You are missing the point if you use astrological influences as an excuse not to live your best life! The point of astrology is to empower you by understanding yourself and the cosmic influences so that you can thrive and fulfill the purpose you came to embody in this life. 

Aries is the sign of asserting our will through action. Neptune can bring compassion and love to our actions. Saturn can bring discipline and structure. 

At the end of the day, it is up to us. We make our lives. We have much more power than we realize. Enlightenment is about owning power over our minds, actions, and choices. 

Capricorns know you can get just about anything you want with discipline and devotion. It might take longer than you wanted and feel different than expected. It might be surprisingly better or somewhat disappointing. You might fail again and again until you make it. You might discover that you were after the wrong thing all along, and you will change your course. Nevertheless, you will know that you aimed for something, and you were able to get it. This will give you the power you need for your next pursuit. 

To master Capricorn energy and prepare for the coming shift of 2025, you must also celebrate the achievements and accomplishments you have reached so far. So often, we do not recognize how far we have come and how successful we already are. This is the low road of Capricorn – to keep pushing us ruthlessly without any congratulations or acknowledgment for the work we had done. 

This week, we welcome 2025 with a new moon in Capricorn. This is a good time to stop and ask yourself:

  • What do I need to do to prepare for the changes of 2025? I needed to strengthen my earth by organizing my life. You may need to connect with your emotions and allow yourself to cry. Or do you need to ingrate your fire, have more fun, and go to a party? Or cultivate your air by journaling? 
  • What have you accomplished in 2024? I am sure you’ve done so much. List your achievements and congratulate yourself on them. 
  • What are you aiming for in 2025? Right it down. Be specific. Put your heart into it. 

If you want personalized guidance, book a New Year’s reading with me and set yourself up for success in whatever you want to achieve this year. 

Limited spots!!!

This year, a few of you will get to dive deep and do the work needed to start living your dream life. 

My Dive Deep Package includes: 

💫 An extensive astrology reading or a relationship reading will give you the insight you need to live the life of your dreams (full value $250)

💫 A 4E transformational session will identify what’s holding you back and help you let it go (full value $300)

💫 Two 30-minute consultations to deepen the work and get a birthday chart reading (full value $300)


Schedule a 10-minute free session to discuss whether this is the right option for you.

Or book your deep dive package using the HAPPY2025 discount code here:

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