A Sagittarius Mutable Week – Pave Your Grounded Path to Increased Joy
November 26, 2022
This week the sun, Mercury and Venus are in Sagittarius.
Everybody wants a piece of Sagittarius’ energy. Who does not wish to be joyful, lucky, and optimistic? Who does not want to be able to care less about what others think of them? Who does not want to dismiss discomfort and dissatisfaction and just move on?
It sounds so tempting, doesn’t it?
But obviously there is a catch. There is always a catch.
Because the human condition involves suffering, as we all experience in our daily lives.
It’s not that Sagittariuses suffer less; they just cope with their suffering differently.
One of my clients, let’s call her Leyla, has sun and moon in Sagittarius. In her first reading with me, I asked her if there was anything specific that she wanted to focus on. She told me she was very interested in understanding emotional pain. I asked if she was going through something painful, and she said she was not.
Throughout our session, she disclosed that she was in an open relationship with a man, who at the time was romantically involved with another woman. Leyla was hurt, but she was not willing to admit it.
Like most Sagittariuses, Leyla lives in the name of freedom. She herself has enjoyed this freedom in her relationship.
She did not want to feel pain or jealousy. It was not legitimate nor appropriate for how she wanted to live her life. Like most Sagittariuses, she was a wise and conscious being, so she was trying to study the idea of pain. Yet, she was not willing to allow herself to feel it.
This is another typical Sagittarius behavior. When Sagittariuses feel discomfort, they buy a plane ticket. They go to a yoga retreat in India, or a meditation retreat in Costa Rica. They find a new philosophy, a new teacher, a new belief system.
Eventually they learn that discomfort and pain don’t need a passport. They go with you wherever you go, until you allow yourself to feel them.
I invite you to read about my personal journey of learning to cope with dissatisfaction on my recently published post on Tiny Buddha.
Sagittariuses are truth seekers. They try to understand life, and they do, because they have the ability to not take things personally.
I can never understand why do we all expect things to work out the way we want them to? Why do we all take it personally when they don’t?
There are not many absolute truths, except for this one: there is no human being who has it her way 100% of the time. We all have our share of disappointments, heartbreaks, and pain.
So why is it that anytime things don’t work the way we want, we think that there is something wrong with us? That we did something wrong? That it is somehow our fault? Maybe a bad karma?
Why don’t we accept the truth, that some things work out and some don’t, and that’s just how life goes?
The beautiful thing about Sagittariuses is that they know we can’t get it right all the time. When they experience something unpleasant, they don’t take it to heart. They don’t take it personally. On the other hand, they don’t really “take it”.
Is it possible to live out of joy like a Sagittarius, while staying connected with the pain of the human condition? This is a question I often ask myself.
With Cancer rising, four planets in the house of Pisces, and Pluto squaring my sun and moon, I tend to connect with pain more than with joy. I am constantly learning to bring more joy into my life, while staying close to my heart. It is a lifelong journey.
On Tuesday and Wednesday this week the moon will be in Pisces, so there will be three planets in Pisces and three planets in Sagittarius.
Mars still retrogrades in Gemini and is opposite Venus and Mercury.
The mutual theme for Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces is that they are all mutable signs, adaptable and flexible. This week, these three signs create a formation, known as a T-square, in the heavens. This might create a feeling of tension for some of us.
The tension releases in the fourth mutable sign of Virgo.
This is the essence of the mutable tension:
Sagittarius says, “nothing is ever perfect so let’s not worry about it”.
Pisces says, “everything is perfect just the way it is”.
Virgo says, “it’s up to me to make things perfect”.
Gemini says, “all of the above”.
This mutable energy might feel like a windy storm for some of us. We might feel uprooted or disoriented.
The cure is to find groundedness, by taking care of our health, our body, our physical exercise, and our nutrition.
This is a wonderful week to bring joy into your life through compassion and self-care. Make a detailed plan on how to increase your joy. Take small steps towards joy, and make sure your joy does not come at the expense of feeling your pain.
I love this quote I read on Tiny Buddha this week:
“Can’t clean up the whole room? Clean a corner of it. Can’t do all the dishes? Do a dish. Can’t get in the shower? Wash your face. Always look for the thing you CAN do, with the energy & focus you DO have. Little wins pave the way for bigger wins. 1% beats O%.”
~ Dr. Glenn Patrick Doyle
Have a wonderful week,
With love,
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